Program Overview
Europe’s first major event dedicated to advancing corporate adaptation to climate change

Nov 6 2024, Berlin, Germany
1: CLIMATE REALISM 9:00 - 12:15
Shift your mind, based on facts about the state of the global climate and its current and foreseeable impacts.
Learn about latest adaptation startups and companies’ efforts to adapt to climate change, incl. common challenges, pitfalls and promising solutions. Attend interactive workshops to learn from others’ experiences and successful practices.
Obtain an overview of key enablers for successful corporate adaptation, covering the realms of governance, strategy, corporate culture, operations, finance and technology. Engage with your peers to build momentum for learning, change and action.
4: Adaptation Club Night 19:00 - ...
Conclude the day with the Adaptation Club Night, incl. the award ceremony for the adaptation start-up pitch competition.
The conference will be preceded by a Speakers’ & Sponsors Dinner on November 5th - Patron Pass holders are invited, too).
Detailed Program

09:00 – 09:45
☕ Enjoy coffee, tea & cookies. Meet the adaptation community. 🍪 (Chance to meet the StartUps)
09:45 – 10:00
Speakers: The Shift Team | Facilitator: Ina Karabasz (Handelsblatt)
10:00 – 10:40
Climate crisis: What the data show and what to expect
Speaker: Prof. Stefan Rahmstorf (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research)
incl. interaction with audience
10:40 – 11:30
Readying Ourselves for Climate Collapse: Deep Adaptation
Speaker: Prof. Jem Bendell, Professor emeritus of the University of Cumbria, Founder of the International Scholars’ Warning on Societal Disruption and Collapse, Author of “Breaking Together”
incl. interaction with audience, preparing questions for panel
11:30 – 12:15
Climate Perceptions & Realities (Panel)
Panelists: Katharina Beck, Member of the German Parliament , Prof. Bendell, Prof. Rahmstorf)
Facilitator: Ina Karabasz (Handelsblatt)
12:15 to 13:15
🍽️ LUNCH 🍽️ (Chance to meet the StartUps)
Learn about latest adaptation startups and companies’ efforts to adapt to climate change, incl. common challenges, pitfalls and promising solutions. Attend interactive workshops to learn from others’ experiences and successful practices.
13:15 - 16:00 Wednesday, November 6
13:15 – 13:20
Kick-Off: Dimensions of Corporate Adaptation
Opening Part 2 & the idea of the insights sessions
Speaker: The Shift Team
13:20 – 13:50
Adaptation Tech Award
9 adaptation solution providers present their contributions to adaptation challenges.
Jury: Eric White (World Economic Forum, Ina Karabasz (Handelsblatt), Annika Zawadzki (BCG), Stephan Hillert (Senior Insurance Executive and Certified Board Member)
14:00 – 16:00
2x four parallel 55min sessions to take a practical look at current adaptation efforts.
14:00 - 14:55
A.1 Modern Oil Tank: "Scent"
What do sustainability and climate adaptation smell like? The Fragrance Value Chain |Dirk Neudorf, Symrise
B.1 Sleek Basement: "Paradox"
Paradox Management in Sustainability | Integrating adaptation and mitigation | Prof. Dr. Nadine Pratt, FOM
C.1 Lounge (1st floor): "Collaboration"
Enhancing Adaptation through Cross-Value Chain Collaboration | Dr. Florian Feigs BASF Agricultural Solutions
D.1 Loft (2nd floor): "Strategy"
Strategic Approaches to Climate Resilience | Annika Zawadzki, Managing Director & Partner, BCG
15:05 - 16:00
A.2 Modern Oil Tank: "Risk Data"
How effective climate risk analytics deliver measureable value | Elisa Seith & Stuart Large, Jupiter Intelligence
B.2 Sleek Basement: "Delivering Adaptation"
From strategy to action - Lessons learned from delivering adaptation in companies | James Hubbard, ERM
C.2 Lounge (1st floor): "Global Health"
Tackling New Health Risks - how Global Health needs to adapt to climate change | Dr. Jutta Reinhard Rupp, Head of Global Health Institute, Merck
D.2 Loft (2nd floor): "From Theory to Practice"
Business Adaptation Planning: From Theory to Practice | Marcia Toledo, Director Adaptation & Resilience, UN High Level Climate Champions & Jenny Kwan, WBCSD
16:00 – 16:30
☕ II BREAK II ☕ (Chance to meet the StartUps)
Obtain an overview of key enablers for successful corporate adaptation, covering the realms of governance, strategy, corporate culture, operations, finance and technology. Engage with your peers to build momentum for learning, change and action.
16:30 - 18:45 Wednesday, November 6
16:30 – 16:45
Connect the dots and build "TheShift" momentum for Adaptation & Resilience
Speaker: The Shift Team & Prof. Johanna Nalau
16:45 – 17:30
Panel: The patterns of successful adaptation solutions (Learnings from insight & online sessions)
Panelists: James Hubbard (ERM), Dr. Jutta Reinhard-Rupp (Merck), Dr. Florian Feigs (BASF Agricultural Solutions), Elisa Seith (Jupiter), Annika Zawadzki (BCG), Laureline Simon (One Resilient Earth)
Facilitator: Ina Karabasz (Handelsblatt)
incl. interaction with audience, preparing questions for panel
17:30 – 18:15
Panel: The Future of Adaptation - Opportunity & Collaboration ahead
Panelists: Jenny Kwan (WBCSD), Eric White (WEF), Marcia Toledo, Director Adaptation & Resilience, UN High Level Climate Champions
Facilitator: Ina Karabasz (Handelsblatt)
18:15 – 18:30
Adaptation Tech Award - Ceremony
Handover of the three awards: Best Innovation; Best Performance, Best Impact by TheShift Team
18:30 – 18:45
Wrap-up & Outlook
Speakers: The Shift Team
Doomster Dance & Drinks Party
19:00 - ? Wednesday, November 6
"Partners & Speakers" Dinner on Nov 5th
at Malzfabrik
(Special guests & Patron Pass holders only)
18:00 - 18:30
Welcome: Founders´note to the audience
Daniel Schmitz-Remberg, Axel Franck, Thomas Krick
18:30 - 20:30
Dinner Roundtable Rounds
4x30min fascilitated by TheShift Team & hosts
With 7 adaptation themes at 7 tables
20:30 - 21:15
Debrief of insights
Fascilitated by the founders and table hosts (7x10min per table)
21:15 - 22:15
Outlook to the conference agenda on Nov 6th
Highlights presented and tIme to network
Closure of Dinner